Lions Grant Form (Word version)

Many of the requests the Okehampton and District Lions Club receive are for financial help. In order to meet these demands the Club attempts to maintain a Charity Account of sufficient size to meet the most urgent and/or worthwhile causes. To sustain this fund the Club organises a number of fundraising events each year; in most cases these take the form of a local public entertainment event or through the manning of our Catering Caravan at many other organisation's events.

The Club organises, promotes and runs these events with all profits being taken into our Charity Account. In some cases these events are targeted at raising funds for specific and named causes, in others they are clearly identified as raising funds for our more general local charitable works, for which the Club is a registered charity.

Our constitution does not allow any funds so raised, to be used for the running or administration of the Club. Our integrity in the use of funds so generously given by the public when attending our events is a vital element in the foundation of support we have received over very many years from the local public.

In addition to the raising of funds, our members gain much enjoyment and good fellowship from their involvement in these events, and find that they have skills never before experienced.

The members of Okehampton and District Lions Club would like to thank everyone for their continued support whether it's by purchasing a raffle ticket, attending an event or sponsoring one of our fundraising activities, your support is greatly appreciated!.

If you or your organisation require funding, you can apply to us in writing by filling out our Grant form (below) and returning it, upon which your request will receive careful consideration by the members at our monthly meeting.

Lions Grant Form (Pdf version)

Lions Grant Form (Word version)

Lions Club Of Okehampton And District -

Lions Grant Form (Word version)

Many of the requests the Okehampton and District Lions Club receive are for financial help. In order to meet these demands the Club attempts to maintain a Charity Account of sufficient size to meet the most urgent and/or worthwhile causes. To sustain this fund the Club organises a number of fundraising events each year; in most cases these take the form of a local public entertainment event or through the manning of our Catering Caravan at many other organisation's events.

The Club organises, promotes and runs these events with all profits being taken into our Charity Account. In some cases these events are targeted at raising funds for specific and named causes, in others they are clearly identified as raising funds for our more general local charitable works, for which the Club is a registered charity.

Our constitution does not allow any funds so raised, to be used for the running or administration of the Club. Our integrity in the use of funds so generously given by the public when attending our events is a vital element in the foundation of support we have received over very many years from the local public.

In addition to the raising of funds, our members gain much enjoyment and good fellowship from their involvement in these events, and find that they have skills never before experienced.

The members of Okehampton and District Lions Club would like to thank everyone for their continued support whether it's by purchasing a raffle ticket, attending an event or sponsoring one of our fundraising activities, your support is greatly appreciated!.

If you or your organisation require funding, you can apply to us in writing by filling out our Grant form (below) and returning it, upon which your request will receive careful consideration by the members at our monthly meeting.

Lions Grant Form (Pdf version)

Lions Grant Form (Word version)